Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Outside Reading Post # 6

I read a story this week called Wait for the Brick. In the story there was a man in a fancy Jaguar car driving a bit too fast down a neighborhood street. He was watching for children running around when he thought he noticed something. He slowed down a bit, but continued driving. Suddenly he heard a loud noise as a brick hit the side of his car, leaving a large dent. He quickly backed up to where the brick had hit his car and got out to find the kid that through it. When he found the kid he pushed him up against a parked car and yelled at him. "What do you think your doing?" "Do you know how expensive this car is, why would you do that?" The little boy had tears running down his face. He said he through it because no one else would stop. The little boy told the man that his brother had fallen out of his wheelchair and he wasn't strong enough to lift him back up. The man saw this and quickly helped the brother back into the chair and dabbed his cuts and scrapes with his handkerchief. I think this story has a lot of meaning to it because it makes you realize how caught up people are in their own lives to notices any one elses problems, until they throw a brick at them.

1 comment:

Britta said...

thats so true!
its also really sad too.
where did you find that article i think i want to read it!