Monday, November 10, 2008

Outside Reading Post # 9

I recently picked up the book New Moon again and continued reading it, since I had stopped earlier in the year. I had forgotten how good it was. When I left off it was Bella's 18th birthday and the party the Cullens threw her had gone terribly wrong. After, Edward spends the night at Bella's house. He gives her a CD he made. She loves it. She was really fussy about people making a big deal for her birthday. What she really wants is to become a vampire like Edward, but he won't let that happen. Not yet at least. In this part of the book there seems to be something wrong with Edward. It doesn't say what, but he is acting differently. Bella is worried that he is thinking about the "right and wrong". I'm not exactly sure what that means either but it might have something to do with Bella wanting to be a vampire or the dangers of him and his family being vampires.

1 comment:

Madeleine said...

Wow, you just picked that up again?!?! Some people say that the author, Stephenie Meyer, is a bad writer. I don't think so, but that could be just because I got really involved with the story and just ignored the way it was written.