Monday, December 8, 2008

Outside Reading Post

Jacob is sick for a long time. Bella gave him a week before calling again. Billy really wanted no visitors. After a week Bella tried calling again, and to her surprise Billy answered. He said Jacob was feeling better, but he was out in Port Anglos with a couple friends. Bella seemed upset about this news that Jacob didn't call her. With Charlie gone fishing, Bella decides to continue her quest through the forest to find the meadow. Charlie had warned her not to go in the forest by her self. Recently hikers in the forest had gone missing, and there were sittings of large bears. Bella goes anyway and finds the meadow, but it only hurts and makes her nervous, and empty. She wants to leave as soon as possible, when she sees a figure on the other side of the meadow. Who would be in he middle of the forest waiting in the meadow? Could it be the one and only... Edward?

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